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Eric Forssberg is full professor of mineral processing at Lulea University of Technology, Sweden since 1974. He has a PhD in mineral processing from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
He has been serving as dean of the faculty of engineering for the period of 1980 – 1990. He was chairman of the IMPC Council during 1985 – 2006 and the working party Comminution and Classification of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering during 1994 – 2007.
He was elected to the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering 1994 and served as chairman of the Division # V Mining & Materials 2005 – 2007. He is a foreign member of the National Academy of Engineering, NAE in the USA since 2001, the Chinese Academy of Engineering since 2001 and the Indian National Academy of Engineering, INAE since 2006.
Recently he has been serving as chairman of the steering committee for the large European project Biotechnology for metal bearing materials in Europe, BioMinE 2004 – 2008 and has been appointed as chairman of the Technical Group # 2 Coal preparation, conversion and upgrading of the European Commission in 2009.
He served as chairman of the Swedish Association of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers 2010 – 2011.
His research interests comprise flotation, industrial minerals, comminution, recycling and agglomeration. He has long experience of co-operation with various corporations, as a consultant and has served as director of several corporations.